Dept of Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences
Glycobiology Research and Training Center
UC San Diego
Warren G Lewis, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Dept of Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences
Glycobiology Research and Training Center
University of California San Diego
I apply biochemistry, chemical biology and systems biology to characterize biological systems, examine biochemical and cellular mechanisms, and to develop proof-of-concept experimental therapeutics. I have contributed to several areas of biomedical science:
State University of New York at Buffalo
Bachelor's of Science in Biochemistry
The Scripps Research Institute
Ph.D. in Chemistry
Genomics Institute of the Novartis Foundation
Positions & Scientific Appointments
2020- Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego
2009-2020 Scientist, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
2008-2009 Research Scientist, Ambit Biosciences
2017 Second R01 from NIAID as PI
2014-2019 New Investigator on R01 Grant from NIAID
2013 Burroughs-Wellcome award Co-Investigator
2011 Barnes-Jewish-Children’s pilot award as Co-PI
2002-2005 Skaggs Predoctoral Fellow
1998-1999 Fulbright Scholar
1998 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award
1996-1998 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Scholar
1996 Grace W. Capen Award for Academic Achievement
1994-1997 Dean’s List
Current Funding
NIH R01 Al127554
Lewis, W (PI)
06/07/2017-05/31/2023 (NCE)
Glycogen in Bacterial Vaginosis & How Carbohydrates Shape the Vaginal Microbiome
NIH R01Al114635
Lewis, W (Multi-PI) & Lewis, A (Contact PI)
Roles of sialidase in G. vaginalis-host interactions during bacterial vaginosis
NIH R01Al389671
Freiboes (Contact PI) & Lewis, A (MPI), Role: Co-Investigator
Understanding the Host-Microbiome-Therapeutic Triad: Implications for Designing Alternative Intravaginal Delivery Platforms to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis
1012547.01 (Burroughs Wellcome Fund)
Lewis, A (PI), Role: Co-Investigator
07/01/2020-03/31/2023 (NCE)
Mucus Barrier Degradation in Bacterial Vaginosis-associated Preterm Birth
NIH R01AI160247
Ram (PI), Role: Co-Investigator
Sialic Acid Analogs against Multidrug-Resistant Gonorrhea
NIH R01AI168475
Freiboes (Contact PI) and Lewis (MPI), Role: Co-Investigator
Long-Acting 3D Printed Scaffolds for Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis