Dept of Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences
Glycobiology Research and Training Center
UC San Diego
Amanda Lewis, Ph.D.
My lab is interested in the roles played by bacteria during colonization and pathogenesis of the female genital and urinary tracts. We build novel model systems to understand how bacteria thrive and co-exist within these varied niches and how such interactions influence states of health and disease in animal and human hosts. We also investigate the roles played by complex carbohydrates of the host and bacteria, as well as enzymes that degrade them during bacterial colonization and infection.

Positions & Scientific Appointments
2022- Co-Director, Glycobiology Research and Training Center, UC San Diego
2020- Professor of Ob/Gyn and Reproductive Sciences, University of California San Diego
2020-2022 Associate Director, Glycobiology Research and Training Center, UC San Diego
2018-2020 Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wash U
2018-2020 Associate Professor of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University in St. Louis
2011-2018 Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wash U
2009-2018 Assistant Professor of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University in St. Louis
2004 Instructor of Microbiology, Academic Connections Program, University of CA, San Diego.
2000 Research Intern, Iowa State University, Program for Women in Science and Engineering
2000- 2001 Tutor of Biology, Supplemental Instruction Program, Cal State Polytechnic University
2000 Research Assistant, California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA
2021 Session Chair: Glycobiology Special Interest Group, Experimental Biology 2021
2020-present Scientific Advisory Board Member: GlycoNet (Canadian Glycomics Network)
2018 Organizer and Session Chair: FASEB summer conference on Microbial Glycobiology
2017 Keynote Lecture, ASM Conference: The Biology of Vibrios
2016 Session Chair, 2016 FASEB meeting on Microbial Glycobiology
2016 Keynote Lecture, Giannini Foundation annual retreat
2015 Distinguished Investigator Award, Washington University School of Medicine
2015 Keynote Lecture, Infectious Diseases Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology annual meeting
2015 Keynote Lecture, Univ. of W. Ontario Dept of Microbiology & Immunology Inaugural Retreat
2014 Elected to the Society for Reproductive Investigation
2013 Session Chair, International Symposium on Glycoconjugates annual meeting. Dalian, China
2013 Young Glycoscientist Award, International Glycoconjugate Organization
2011- 2013 Basil O’Connor Research Scholar Award, March of Dimes
2011 Bridging Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health Scholar NIH-K12, declined
2007- 2009 University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
2006- 2007 A.P. Giannini Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
2006 Martin D. Kamen Prize for the most outstanding dissertation in biochemistry at UCSD
2005 Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Scholarship, San Diego Chapter
2005- 2006 Ruth L. Kirschstein (predoctoral) National Research Service Award
2002 National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship - Honorable Mention
2000 Waterbury Scholarship, Cal State Polytechnic University
1999 Hatfield Memorial Award, Cal State Polytechnic University
1996- 2000 Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship, State of CA
1996- 2001 Brandt Scholarship, Brandt Scholarship Foundation
1996- 1999 Joe Harper Memorial Scholarship, State of CA
1996 Andrews Scholarship, Cal Poly State University
Grant Review and related Activities
2021 Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH Scientific review group ZRG1 IDIA-W (80) S
Topics in Bacteriology
2018, 2021 Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH Scientific Review Group ZRG1 IDM-R (02)
Clinical Research and Field Studies of Infectious Diseases (CRFS)
2018 Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH Scientific Review Group ZRG1 DKUS-R 90
Digestive, Kidney and Urological Systems (DKUS)
2017 Served as an Expert on Bacterial Vaginosis for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
2017 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Grant Reviewer
2017 NIH Special Emphasis Review Panel, Scientific Review Group 2016/05 ZRG1 BCMB-W (02)
Biological Chemistry and Macromolecular Biophysics
2016 The Wellcome Trust/ DBT India Alliance Grant Reviewer
2015/2016 Society for Reproductive Investigation, Scientific Review Panel (abstract review)
2014 Expert Opponent, Dissertation Defense, Department of Chemistry The Arctic University of Norway
2013 NIH Special Emphasis Review Panel ZNR REV-T (16) RFA-NR-13-002
Current Funding
Lewis, A (Contact PI) and Lewis, W (Multi-PI)
Roles of Sialidase in G. vaginalis-Host interactions during Bacterial Vaginosis
1012547.01 (Burroughs Wellcome Fund)
Lewis, A (PI)
Mucus Barrier Degradation in Bacterial Vaginosis-associated Preterm Birth
Ram (PI), Role: Consortium PI
Sialic Acid Analogs against Multidrug-Resistant Gonorrhea
Lewis, A (Multi-PI with Freiboes)
Understanding the Host-Microbiome-Therapeutic Triad: Implications for Designing Alternative Intravaginal Delivery Platforms to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis
Lewis, A (Multi-PI with Freiboes)
04/2022 – 03/2027
Long-Acting 3D Printed Scaffolds for Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis
R21 AI152049
Lewis, A (Contact PI, Gilbert, N MPI)
4/1/2020 – 3/31/2023
Roles of vaginal bacteria in bladder exfoliation and recurrent UTI
University of California Multi-Campus Research Initiative
Lewis, A (contact PI) Co-PIs Fisher, S. (UCSF) and Lebrilla, C (UC Davis)
The University of California Glycosciences Consortium for Women's Health